Here is a great new website which allows you to take learning classes and setup your own classes and charge people to take them. It looks easy and I will be having play with this in April when I get a small break. I found this through a blog post in Mashable which did generate a good summary of the site so read about it here or go straight to the website and get started.
This is was learning is going to be about. The technology is only going to get better and the online training is going to become more and more available. It will be bite sized, ready to go and delivered to whether you are, instantly! What about assessment I hear a few people yelling out. I think formal assessment will become less and less important in many areas. I don’t want the piece of paper, I want the skill and knowledge and what they can bring me. A piece of paper saying I am competent is becoming less and less meaningful to really competent people.
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