I have written quite a few posts about the importance of excellent, inspiring teachers and trainers and the importance of teachers and trainers aspiring to be excellent and inspirational. Read this excellent article from the Huffington Post regarding teachers in America. Two things about this article. One, so many people saying the same thing about education in some many different countries why is nothing changing? Two, its not just teachers or trainers is every area of expertise be it a carpenter, plumber, bus driver etc they all deserve RESPECT. They have all trained and they all (well at least most) strive to do a good job. Instead of constantly knocking down peoples jobs because we either don’t understand it, don’t want to understand it, don’t think it is as important as our own job or think that it is menial we may start to respect the skill require to get a perfect wood joint, to get a perfect seal on a busted water pipe and drive in peak hour traffic while maintaining a steady calm attitude. You only get respect if you earn it. If you don’t respect others you will not get respect back. I am sure we are overdue for a series of advertisements from the teachers union on how we should all respect teachers, with the punchline of pay us more. Respect is not gained by asking for it or by paying more for it. You earn respect.
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