One of the greatest training methods is problem solving. I have been using this particular approach a great deal for the last year as it specifically fits project management. The best way to learn how to manage a project is to manage a project, even if it is simulated. As the trainer I provide just enough information, the problem, and then let the groups work out how to solve the problem and complete the project. I provide periodic information that allows them to effective manage the various challenges provided by the project from risk management, scoping, innovation and closure.
Watch this video.
The rubik’s cube drove me insane when it first came out. This robot would have been very useful back then or would it. I wouldn’t have learnt how to solve the problem and I wouldn’t have learnt other important qualities like patience, concentration and anger management.
Do you train people like this robot arm? If you do how much are they really learning? When you are not there what will they do?
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