I’m not going to lie to you and state that I have read all of the reports in the link provided here. You might like to look at some of them. I have two reasons for posting this. One, when I get the chance (not in the near future) I would like to check some of these out and this will allow me to find them easily since I can just go to past blogs (you can also do this). It will also be tagged with e-learning so it will be easier to find. The second reason is that I just can’t keep up with the amount of articles and research that are being produced on technology and learning, most of it coming from the university sector. I believe that it is inevitable that learning will eventually be dominated by technology just because it will be. There is no stopping it now, even if some research comes along to say that it isn’t useful and effective (unfortunately all of the recent research has been very positive regarding e-learning). The issue that worries me about this current change is that teachers, trainers and assessors are not being developed and prepared for the change. At present in the VET/School sectors people are more worried about their pay and how many hours they work. Keeping your job in the future many be the issue just around the corner. On a positive note it is a great opportunity for those who are ready to take on the challenge of technology and get involved.
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