Category: Tips
Learning by doing
Learning by doing is not a new concept in fact it was most likely the first teaching technique invented apart from demonstrating. Many of you (not all) know that I deliver a Diploma in Training and Assessment program. It has taken a while to develop the overall strategy and structure of the program and I…
Internet speed and big video files
ASK LOGICOOL!! Since producing the first Ask Logicool video I have had a number of questions about slow downloads, why can’t I see it, appears to stall etc. This is all due to (95% of it) broadband speed. In many other countries you could just watch this video like you would TV. If you want…
Real Client Relationships do not require contracts
Many will not agree with that statement (title above), not in this un-trusting world, but it should be true. If you really do have a solid, trusting, sharing relationship with a client, boss, student or partner then why do you need a contract? Think about that for a while. As soon as someone asks for…
Online project management for free
One of my students asked me the other day about simple, easy to use, project management tools that enable you to keep track of various projects associated with a Diploma program that I deliver. Personally I have used software like MS Project and Excel to do the job but I have read a number of…
Sleep your way to better teaching
The nap is back, well almost. I came across this article recently which basically outlines that fact that if you have a one hour nap it will make you smarter, clear the mind and increase you learning ability. That is good news for all the nappers out there. As a trainer I think we all…
Ask Logicool – First video!
Finally, I have managed to upload the first video in the series called Ask Logicool. This video series answers your questions. Use the Ask Logicool page (tabe on the blog) to ask your questions and every second Thursday I will attempt to answer your questions. At present the video can be seen on itunes or…
Fun Follow-up
The last three training tips 56 videos have been about getting more fun into your life. By coincidence I found this great post on 30 things to do to keep from getting bored out of your skull at work. I hope that your job isn’t that bad but some of these ideas are also just…
How to get more fun into your life
This is the last training tips 56 video on worklife balance does exist. In this episode we look at the three step approach to getting a better fun balance as well as how as a trainer you can assist others to get more fun out of their work and life. I hope you have enjoyed…
How to remain current as a trainer
Training is not the only profession where you need to remain up to date with new changes, theories, strategies and of course technology. I think that would apply to all professions but I often think that trainers, teachers and educators may well be the worst at keeping current, up to date and informed on what…
Great presenter or not?
I have heard and read on many occasions that Steve Jobs is an excellent presenter and that he does fantastic job of exciting a huge audience with new super apple products. I have even watched a few of his stimulating addresses on the Internet and agree that he does provide a superbly polished performance. I…