Category: learning theory

  • Learning Styles

    Time to brush up on some of that theory. Here is a great site that takes you through the 7 learning styles. Yes, seven. I thought  there was three but…. Click here to access the website. But there is more. To be fair and balanced here is the argument against learning styles. Click here. Personally,…

  • Brain stuff – videos

    Easing yourself back into the work week. Take it slowly and watch these two excellent videos on the brain and how it works. Essential knowledge for any professional trainer. You will have to access them via these links. Memory and the brain Optimising brain fitness While we are on the brain here is an article…

  • Get Your Theory Right

    Every now and then every good trainer should go back to basics and check that their teaching/training/facilitating is meeting sound learning theory principles. I don’t care what you call yourself, trainer, coach, teacher, educator, facilitator…etc (will eventually write a post about this) if you are not adhering to the foundations of learning theory then you…

  • Practice, Practice, Practice and then some more!

    I have written about practice before. I even put a video out about it (see below). There appears to be a lot being written about practice at the moment with all sorts of different terms such as deliberate practice etc. This is a good article to read if you want further information. Practice is an…

  • Adult Learners

    I was do a bit of cleaning during the wet long weekend and found this file. It is a good summary and reminder of all the things we need to remember when training adults. Hope it is useful for you.

  • What is going on?

    Check out this story and the accompanying graphic. Truly sad. Is this the future of education and training? I already know that there are many children and adults taking smart drugs to improve brain performance (for a brief run down check this reference list). Where will it all end and really what is the purpose.…

  • I knew that running was making me smarter!

    Great article here on how exercise can make you smarter. I have run all my life, essentially not for health reasons but because I have always enjoyed it, I find it relaxing and it helps me to work through problems. I know that I feel better after exercise and I know that when I am…

  • Solving Problems

    Problem solving is a big part of effective learning. I try to utilise a problem solving approach to just about everything I train people in so that they not only understand what we have covered but they can use the new knowledge and skills and manipulate it to achieve some goal. Effective problem solving is…

  • Right Brain, Left Brain, Not Really

    We have all, at some point sat through a session or lecture on the right and left brain and then some diagnostic telling us what side we predominantly use. Well it appears that most of that is rubbish. Please read the following article and start to re think how you have been told to think…

  • I run therefore I am a Genius

    That title is a little misleading but it does appear from recent research that exercise does create a better, sharper brain. I like running and do it regularly so I feel very good about the research findings. Apart from feeling more alive after a run, maybe I am feeling sharper as well. This does support…