Category: learning theory
Sunday Zephyr – Brain Work
I hope your Sunday is going well. Trainers deal each day with the brain. We often forget how complex a brain is and we often reduce it down to some type of simple machine that we feed information into. The brain is complex and also easily deceived. The video below shows how easily our brains…
Active Learning is Better Than Lectures
Really. Yes! I know, I hope that all of you reading this already knew that but just in case you didn’t or you need to see the proof read this article based on some research in the US. Read the article here at Wired.
Sparking learning
How to get a spark? How to get people to learn? Watch the video. Can’t see the video – click here
Brain plasticity and your learning capability
Watch the video below. I know it is just a dog but this is an excellent example of just how quickly the brain can adjust and how the impossible can become possible. You can learn and achieve whatever you want if you want it. As a trainer remember this as every participant can learn what…
Smart Drugs and Training
Apparently there is a growing use of smart drugs. I haven’t noticed it but then I am not in that area where it happens a lot or I am just unaware. But what would happen if it started becoming the norm for my participants to be taking smart drugs while attending training sessions.? Would I…
Thinking like a Pyschologist
Another great itunes U resource. A big part of training is obviously psychology. We are dealing with people remember. I got my fair share of psychology at University and I found that part of my various programs very interesting. Here is a great catch up program if you are a bit rusty on your psyc…
Right Brain, Left Brain
We have all heard about the right brain, left brain theory. Do you know your preference. Here is a quick little online test which will tell you whether you are right or left brained. Open the test here.
Sunday Zephyr – The Brain
I didn’t know that TED talks had playlists. Well they do. Here is a playlist of 8 videos on the brain. Relax at some point today and do a little bit of learning about the brain. Find the playlist here.
Do You Know How to Learn?
I am very aware now that what I have learnt most of my life is how to learn. I am quite effective and efficient at learning and it has definitely shaped my life and career. I also realise that many others do not appear to have this ability or at least not at a competent…
How many ways are there to teach?
Good question – how many ways are there to teach? What do you think? Recent research indicates that there are about 205 trillion ways. What! No wonder it is complicated and no wonder a text telling you here are the ways to teach (5 to 10) are so wrong. Read the research below to find…