Category: Learning resources
DiSC Profiles
I use DiSC a lot in my programs when it is relevant. The cost is a bit prohibitive for some clients but there are some cheap (free) tools out there. The best one I have found recently is on Tony Robbins website. Check it out and do the quick assessment. The report is quite comprehensive.…
Lewis Model
I am posting this article for everyone but in particular my Wednesday night leadership group. They need to know about the Lewis model as it is one of their assessment questions but every trainer should also be aware of the model and how it allows us to communicate cross culturally. Please read the article here.
Getting feedback while presenting
Google has released an instant feedback tool into its slide app. While your presenting, your audience can ask questions and provide feedback. Read the article here to find out more. Can’t see the video – click here
Leadership Development – the right way!
I’m involved in a lot of leadership development programs and I am satisfied that they do a good job but they could do better. Time is typically the problem. Time and application. I have been lucky enough to do a few programs where the following article takes us but it is rare. A bit more…
Learning Principles
Below is a great 38 page document on the twenty principles of learning. It is written for school education but the principles still apply to adults and hence VET training. I have put a link to the document which you can download but here are the twenty principles. Principle 1 Students’ beliefs or perceptions about…
Keeping up with Changes in Brain Stuff
I’m still reading and hearing trainers communicate to participants incorrect information about learning styles, left and right brained people and brain training. Check out these three topics carefully on the internet and you will find that they have all been found to be erroneous. Update your knowledge and don’t spread this rubbish around. Here is…
New Resource Website
Here’s a new one for you. A new resource site for teachers has been released which is backed by Stephen Fry. It looks like it might be more geared towards school teachers but maybe not. Depends on how you use the video’s etc. Check out Pindex here
Emotional Intelligence
I appear to be doing a lot of training lately around the area of emotional intelligence. It is a very challenging concept (or theory) to teach. I can take participants through what it is but how do you ensure that they are competent when it really comes down to self reflection which could be completely…
Project Management Failure
I often talk to participants about project failure as it is more prevalent than project success. You can learn a lot from project failure. Here is an excellent article on four major project failures and what should have been done. Read the article here
I know that many of my readers are trainers who train managers to manage teams effectively. Some readers train people to be more effective in teams and others work in teams to produce a service or product. I do all of those things and I found the article below very useful. It’s a long read…