Category: Learning resources
Microsoft launches social learning?
– So What Does it Mean? I have been away all weekend and I was just catching up on my emails and I saw this interesting news. I haven’t had much of chance to look around but it appears that Microsoft has launched an online social networking, come search, come learning site. Check it out…
Images are so important
I defy anyone to watch this, even the non surfers and non beach goers, to not feel something positive. For me it is fun, summer, warm, freedom, youth, awesome, energy….. What do you feel? Images, video, movement. It is so important in training and critical in e-learning. Go to vimeo and watch it on a…
Problem Solving
I am always looking for different ways of teaching problem solving and resources that will assist that process. Here is a great resource. Try it out yourself and let me know how you go. This is quite hard so get ready.
More like this…
I guess this is a training video. If it isn’t then I am not sure what it is. E-learning resources should be more like this. Duelity from Ryan Uhrich on Vimeo.
Do students love technology?
I haven’t seen any conclusive evidence that students do like to use technology for learning purposes or that they believe it enhances the process. Have you. It would be good to hear from anyone who has any evidence from wither side of the debate. This info graphic provides some information but I am not sure…
And the resources just keep coming!
I found this resource the other day and I am still digging through it. It provides some great advice and assistance to people who just want to learn but don’t necessarily want to follow the accredited or traditional learning pathways. This would be great for any student and for that matter anyone who just wants…
This is just clever!
I am not even going to try tom relate this to training because there really isn’t a link. I just think it is very clever and it does demonstrate what the internet is all about. Innovation, entertainment and information. You have to watch it right through to the end to see the last important scene.…
E-Learning Resources – more of them!
I came across this list of free ebooks on elearning the other day. It is still difficult at times to come to grips with how much stuff (information, knowledge, advice) people give away on the Internet. I know that I do it and that is really just for fun. It doesn’t take me long to…
iPAD’s are great!
I am obviously a big fan of the iPad. I wish I had one of these when I was in school. My wife, who is not a huge tech user loves it as well. She likes the way you can just flick it on and check something. Of course there are also lots of apps,…
Video gets better and easier and…
If your not using video in your elearning or normal training room learning…I don’t know why not. It has become so easy to produce good video content. It is just as easy to edit that video and simply stupefyingly easy to upload it to the internet or just place it on your laptop so your…