Category: e-learning
I know that this post is not going to suit many people but maybe….Being able to program is the future. I wish I had pursued my early programming days further. I am really out of touch now. One day, when I get the time, I want to learn how to code and program again. The…
Is Technology Really Required in Teaching?
The title of this post says it all really. Does anyone really know the answer to this? I, like many others, have just assumed that technology can only make learning more effective. Maybe that isn’t actually correct. Personally I think it is a great tool but only one of many tools that should be used…
Free images
I have tried a number of options in the past in finding royalty free images for learning resources, slides etc and they have generally failed. Poor quality images or despite their claims the photo’s are not really royalty free. Here is a new site I found that so far is fantastic. Easy to use, royalty…
Can a robot do your job?
There is a lot of talk around at the moment of artificial intelligence and robots. I think, quite rightly, that a few people are concerned about their jobs. So do you think that a robot could take over your teaching or training role? I took the simple test compiled by the BBC. I’m not…
Calendly – a useful calendar tool
Soon I will be involved in a program where participants need to book a time to call me for coaching purposes. I have recently found a tool called calendly which enables me to do this automatically by linking it with my Google calendar. Looks great and is easy to use. Look at calendly here.
Zeetings is a new way of showing your PowerPoint slides or other resources for that matter. I have had a quick play with it and it does look quite good. It can be used as an online session but also as an in class tool with polls etc. Try it out at:
The World of MOOC’s
I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that many educators, trainers and teachers are still not aware of what a MOOC is and how useful they are for your participants but more so for your own professional development. If you read the word MOOC above and don’t know what it means then watch the video below.…
Computer Science Resources
Google has recently set up a website of great resources for those people who want to know more about programming etc and for teachers who are trying to teach kids about computer science. There should be more of this. See the site by clicking here
Economical Learning
Please read this article. Is this the future of organisational learning? I can assure you that you will find this article interesting but also challenging. The key facts: 30,ooo employees 62 countries 107 mobile ready intervention programs in 3 months 5 learning design staff 50,000 learning sessions a month One and a half sessions per…
End of the working week. Are you happy?
It has been a busy week. How was your week? Were you happy at work this week? Could it have been better? Here is a great list of 27 ways to be happier at work. It isn’t just a list. Each item takes you to further resources. A great resource. Read the list here.