Category: Delivery
Who wants to watch an online lecture?
Maybe the lecture portrayed above is on the way out. Please read this post from the Chronicle of Higher Education. It basically covers the issues, pros and cons of putting your lectures, sessions or training online. Most of us are aware that in the university sector a growing number of lecturers post their lectures online,…
Good Trainers?
I just read a blog on writing and they had this little joke in it which goes like this: Top One Habits of Amazing Writers 1. They write It occurred to me that the same applies for good trainers. Unfortunately I think that a lot of textbooks and other online articles are often written by people…
Learning styles
Here is a different approach to learning styles that you might find interesting. It is from another blog called performing excellence which appears to be fairly new. Hopefully you are familiar with Kolb, Honey & Mumford and Jung but maybe not so familiar with the 4MAT system which does seem to have some theoretical basis…
Learning or assessment? What’s more important?
Please read Seth Godin’s blog post on It’s easier to teach compliance than initiative before reading my additional comments below. I agree, initiative is very difficult to teach. I disagree, that organisations are seeking out intelligent problem solvers. Not all of them anyway. Maybe that is just my experience, maybe that is an Australian thing, but…
Ask Logicool 2 Video
The second Ask Logicool video has been released and in this episode I am looking at the appropriate rate of speech and what video camera shouldou y use when shooting training videos. Hope you enjoy the answers and information. I am really looking forward to more questions so that I can start planning the next…
Learning by doing
Learning by doing is not a new concept in fact it was most likely the first teaching technique invented apart from demonstrating. Many of you (not all) know that I deliver a Diploma in Training and Assessment program. It has taken a while to develop the overall strategy and structure of the program and I…
The four components of effective training?
No, I haven’t changed my mind from the post on the 14th titled The three components of effective training? I have always liked my four component approach but it is difficult to achieve unless you have the ability to coach the learner for a period of time after the learning has occurred in the more…
The three components of effective training?
What makes a training session effective? I am sure you can generate a very big list of factors but lets keep it simple. I have used this diagram in my train the trainer sessions for a number of years to explain how effective training requires three simple components. Get any one of these components wrong…
Presentation skills
I often get asked by trainers what they can do to improve their presentations. A presentation isn’t that different to a training session. There is a speaker and the main idea is to get across a series of points. In a presentation there is generally a small number of points, less interaction and a greater…
Episode 4: The Message
A new episode in the Training Tips 56 series has been released. It is titled “The Message” and it covers the important aspect of the main message or goal of your training session. Too many trainers get carried away with a lengthy series of learning outcomes and creative activities and forget that at the end…