Category: Delivery
Body Language and Lying
As a trainer you need to be able to read people, your audience. Are they getting the message? Do they understand you? Do they think you are an idiot? Are they faking it? Are they lying to you? I have talked about body language before but here is a good post from lifehacker on body…
Problem Solving
One of the greatest training methods is problem solving. I have been using this particular approach a great deal for the last year as it specifically fits project management. The best way to learn how to manage a project is to manage a project, even if it is simulated. As the trainer I provide just…
Small, small groups
One training group I don’t really like training and I know many don’t as well are the small, small groups. This occur form time to time. By small I mean somewhere between 4 and 8 people over a period of weeks. Some new trainers might think this is great. Small group, less hassles, less to…
Less is more – much less
The video below is about mathematics teaching but the principles apply to all of us. I have learnt that the less I teach and the more I allow participants to learn themselves the more effective my training is. We all talk about this but most do not do it in practice. We typically do more,…
Do students love technology?
I haven’t seen any conclusive evidence that students do like to use technology for learning purposes or that they believe it enhances the process. Have you. It would be good to hear from anyone who has any evidence from wither side of the debate. This info graphic provides some information but I am not sure…
Trainers who have failed
A few days ago I posted an article titled Trail and Error Training. Basically I was saying that to improve as a trainer you have to try new things and expect some to fail. I came across this post which outlines 10 great failures. It is an interesting read about how some great people…
Trial and Error Training
This is one of the most straight forward common sense video’s I have seen but very applicable to trainers. I have been delivering a lot of project management training over the last few months and it dawned on me after watching this video that I had been telling potential project managers that they really need…
Great Conclusions
The next Training Tips 56 video has been released. You can find it at all the usual locations or watch it below. This is the follow up to the Great Introductions video. I have placed that below in case you haven’t seen it. There is obviously a lot that goes on between the introduction and…
PowerPoint Extras
You can read all of the articles and posts about the dangers and evils of PowerPoint but it is still a very good tool for the trainer. Of course it should be used professionally and sparingly. I have embedded a video I made a while ago on the use of PowerPoint. The look of PowerPoint…
Outcomes, goals and assessment
Here is an interesting new take on setting goals or objectives (see video below). As trainers we constantly set objectives or outcomes for people or do we? I am starting to wonder how often we really do set outcomes. We talk about it a lot but how often do we actually pay that much attention…