Category: Communication
Is it all just fluff?
I’m doing a lot of writing at the moment and I am super conscious of word choice. Often we use a lot of words and just don’t say anything. I was listening to the news on the radio this morning and the news reader was talking about the budget which will be released soon. To…
Presenting Data
As a trainer you will from time to time have to present data. And data can be boring. Here are a few tips with examples on how to do it more effectively. Read the article at Occam’s Razor
Sunday Zephyr – Poetry
I read the odd bit of poetry – a hangover of my schooling I guess. I am currently reading a book of the greatest 80 poems and I came accross this poem: THE ORANGE TREE by John Shaw Neilson Have a read by clicking the hyperlink above and see what you think. The last stanza…
Sunday Zephyr – Jargon
Hope your Sunday is going well. How much jargon did you use this week to make yourself feel important and absolutely confuse some learners and business owners? Plain speaking is essential in training and consulting. Watch the funny video below and remind yourself of how you intent to speak in the week coming up. Can’t…
Brainswarming rather than Brainstorming
Brainstorming is ineffective, so the author of the article below says. Maybe he is right. Have a read of the article. It has a good short video as well explaining brainswarming. Read the article here at Harvard Business Review
Online discussions
I am running a lot of training online at the moment using Google hangouts – which are great. Yo really do need to work on different skills as a trainer when your not in the room with the students. Here is a good article outlining some tips which may help you. Find the article here…
Many of you might like to write your own blog one day. They are very useful in education and training but also just for your own entertainment. Here is an article that provides 10 great links to help you get started and write well. Read the article at ProBlogger
Ethics for all
I teach ethics in a wide variety of programs and it is a subject that really interests me especially when you link it to integrity and leadership. I admit that I can learn more about the philosophy of ethics and thankfully there is a way to do this at any time of the day. Check…
Busy Week
Sorry, my posts got delayed this week. It has been a busy one. Predominantly I was delivering a very important program and I spent more time than I usually do being prepared and ready for anything. Always a good thing to do anyway but in this case I had to make that extra time to…
Networking with Linkedin
So you want to grow your business, enhance your professional profile or just learn stuff from other people in your field. Well, time to join LinkedIn and get your profile setup properly. Here is a good article (At Jeff Bullas .com) on how to create a great profile. If you want to read the ebook…