Sorry for  the lack of posts recently. One of those busy periods when in between sleeping and work there just isn’t any time. I read this post recently and it reminded me of the importance of always being a learner. My busy period, wass all about learning. Every part of my work is one more learning experience after another. I learnt a number of really important things this week just by doing my job. I also learnt a number of important things by reading, watching and listening. Learning is all around. I didn’t learn anything by watching TV and to be honest the news provided me with nothing.

I got this quote from Stephanie Burns  – Artistry of Training, ‘There is nothing inherent in the act of training that leads to new behaviours’. Exactly! If you do the same thing as a trainer every time you train you will not improve, you will stay the same. To improve you must bring to your training new behaviours and new experiences so that you bring new ways of training and new sides to your approach. You will also bring new information, skills and knowledge.

To do this you must learn that you may make mistakes and not everything you bring will work. You may fail, but you will not really. Learn from the mistakes, the bad joke, the poor activity and try again. Improve, learn, adjust, modify, excel, start again, learn more…….

Its ok to do the same thing every time, especially if it works, but be aware that you are not improving and you are working your way towards mediocrity. If that is what you want ok, but it isn’t for me.

Do you think the kid below will ever settle for being mediocre?



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