What makes a training session effective? I am sure you can generate a very big list of factors but lets keep it simple. I have used this diagram in my train the trainer sessions for a number of years to explain how effective training requires three simple components. Get any one of these components wrong and the training will be lousy and a waste of time.

1. Participants – you must ensure that you know your learners. What do they currently know? What do they need to know? What are the gaps? How do they learn effectively? How do they feel about the training? What are they expected to do with the training? Will they be rewarded for learning or punished by extra work?

2. Program – you must design a program that meets the needs of the learners and the organisation. It must be engaging, fun and relevant. It must reflect the organisations values and culture and be geared towards the learners ability and capability.

3. Professional trainer – the trainer must by professional, competent and flexible. The trainer must know the learners, the organisation and the program. The trainer must use their skills, knowledge and experience to ensure that the program achieves its purpose and that the learners achieve the program outcomes, but more importantly they take this learning back to their workplace and integrate their new knowledge and skills into their job.

Seems simple doesn’t it? From my experience, on more occasions than not, one of these components is disregarded and the end result is a poor training experience. Of the three components a professional trainer is the only one who can on occasion still achieve a worthwhile and positive result even when the other two components, learners and program have been ignored. The trainer who  can do this is one of those rare trainers who can almost make anything work due to their superior flexibility, emotional intelligence, communication skills and creativity balanced with practicality. Are you one of those trainers? This link will take you to a blog post on exceptional communication. If you don’t think that you are one of those superior trainers begin the process now. Start reading more, practicing more and watching more.


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